Stalked by Shifu

Last fall in response to a post about paper yarn, Velma wrote me and suggested I check out Habu‘s yarns. I was hoping to get a sample card or something, but didn’t see one on their website. The next week I told my friend Barb about the paper yarn and the next day she sent me this photo

Habu in Santa Fe

These are little bundles of Habu paper yarn carried by a yarn shop here in town! We went there that week and bought 2 different colors and split them. The shop had samples of things knit with the paper yarn, which was exciting too. It was great to see the colors in person, and feel the different yarns.

The following week my sister was visiting and we wandered into a fancy handmade clothing store here in town because in the window was a jacket made with what looked like Habu’s paper yarn that had been dyed. And it was!

My yarn bundles have been sitting on my work bench calling to me, but I haven’t figured out quite what to do with them. Everyone who sees them comments on the color or texture. Another friend Marilyn said she had made shifu — spun yarn or thread out of paper — and would I like to learn? I had made paper yarn in a class with Aimee Lee so I had an idea of what I was in for. We collected up 4 friends and, armed with fixings for a tasty pot luck lunch, we got together earlier this week.

We cut kozo paper that we had marked on into thin continuous strips. Then we spun some with a spinning wheel, a drop spindle and, easiest of all, rolled it into yarn on our leg. I borrowed a drop spindle and have been practicing using it so I’ll have some yarn to knit with when I get together with some more friends on Monday for a knitting session.

Shifu day

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