Jennifer Cartwright’s Seedpod Book

Below is an accordion fold book Jennifer Cartwright calls “Seedpod book.” Dimensions: 4.5” diameter, 22” length (unfolded). Each of the slices is constructed of two circular forms (of wire, hand-made paper, and acrylic) which are sewn to a ring of purple “skin” (made of burlap coated in hand-made paper and acrylic).
Cartwright constructs a skeleton out of wire then “the second major step is to ‘pull’ the wire forms up through a soup-like slurry of handmade paper pulp or, alternatively, to drizzle the pulp over the wire forms using a turkey baster. The wire forms, now encased in paper, are allowed to dry and are then coated with varnish or other acrylic media. Since dry paper is extremely porous and absorbent, capillary action draws the varnish and pigment deep into the paper. Once the varnish is dry, the wire/paper/acrylic forms are durable, waterproof, malleable and lightweight. As a final step, I often sew multiple forms together to create a finished piece.” Below the seedpod book are several other works. You can see lots more in her flickr stream





2 thoughts on “Jennifer Cartwright’s Seedpod Book”

  1. I agree — I want to touch them too. And I love the idea of pouring pulp on wire frame. Seems very messy and satisfying.

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