Who’s Got What?

Saturday Afternoons

I’ve sold many of my artist’s books by consignment because it’s been the most successful way to sell my more expensive books. When selling through a consiger, it’s often hard to keep track of who has bought copies of your books. Consigners don’t usually give you the names of private purchasers, which I understand, but I’d like to know which public libraries and museums have my books in their collections. I recently found out about WorldCat, a combined catalog of the Western world’s libraries and Artists Books Online (ABO), a project of the University of Virginia. I typed in my name as well as my press name into both catalogs, to see what would turn up. The best part was that my husband, who took the pictures for the book above (Saturday Afternoons, an out-of-print pop-up book I did about my husband’s cars and his car buddies), was quite impressed that he was listed as an author!