Daylight Time

My first daffodils of 2014

While the east coast of the US has been buffeted by storm after storm this winter, here in the Southwest winter has been a non-event. We had one big snow storm at the end of November, and then nothing. January and February were dry and unseasonably warm. While my friends on the east coast can’t wait for spring to start, I’m lamenting the end of winter. There’s a magical silence on days when it snows here that is so rejuvenating, at least for me, and I only got one or two of those back in November. But today I woke to an unexpected overnight snow fall. And the snow has continued, big fat flakes falling lazily from the grey clouds, all morning. Above is a picture of a little hill in my yard where I’ve planted daffodils bulbs—and in the middle are the first shoots coming up in the snow.
Tonight we turn the clocks back for daylight savings time. Or is it daylight saving time? And should there be a hyphen (daylight-saving time)? According to, all three are acceptable. As is “daylight saving” without the “time”. Whichever way, I prefer light in the morning rather than the evening.