Photos from the Rotunda Show

Pictures of all the books in our local biannual artist’s book show are on the web now. Below are 2 examples. The first is Heath Frost’s “Flying Alphabet for Grownups” (she also has one entitled “Flying Alphabet for Kids”). The second is “A Walk Through the Woods” by Mario Hinojoza. More here.

Heath Frost’s “Flying Alphabet for Grownups” “A Walk Through the Woods” by Mario Hinojoza

One thought on “Photos from the Rotunda Show”

  1. Mario was an incredibly generous and thoughtful person. Lived by all his friends
    in Santa Fe, NM, USA. His art had always inspired me to take my time
    to make something beautiful. Have fun wandering the canyons of the universe…
    R.I.P. Mario

    Winter Riddle

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