Snow Poems

Last winter I noticed block letter poems in windows around town. They appeared to be stenciled onto the glass, and the poems had a haiku-like quality. This is the one I saw regularly, at an elementary school near my house.

poem by Joey Gurulé (3rd grade), Carlos Gilbert Elementary School

This past week, at the monthly Santa Fe Book Arts Group meeting, the organizer of these “snow poems,” Edie Tsong talked about the project — “a community poetry project that explored cities as ‘living books’ written by their inhabitants.” They asked people to submit poems and also held poetry workshops around town. They used 10″ high letters for the poems, affixing them to the windows (backwards), covering the window with snow spray, then removing the letters. I only saw the poems from the outside, but apparently the way the sun cast shadows inside the buildings was quite wonderful. Here are some more pictures, the first one showing the installation (removing the letters after spraying the snow). See more about the project here.

Installing snow poems
Installing a snow poem

A Snow poem

poem by Michelle Holland, “Doghouse” @ the Railyard
poem by Michelle Holland