The Scottish Play

The San Francisco Center for the Book’s latest exhibition is “Superstition 13”:

Superstition 13 is a juried show which invites artists to investigate superstition and the esoteric….rtists are encouraged to submit book works which speak to the mysterious, the alchemical, the arcane – both written and unwritten.”

Tom Leech, the printer at the Palace Press at the Palace of the Governors here in Santa Fe, submitted “The Scottish Play,” a chapbook of Act IV, Scene 1 from Shakespeare’s Macbeth. This is the scene where the witches chant “Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and caldron bubble.” It’s handset type (all 36pt but of different faces). I bought a copy of the book, and here’s a few spreads. Be sure to read the very entertaining colophon pictured at the end of the post. Notice I got copy 13 (or maybe they are all copy 13!)

The Scottish Play, Tom Leech

The Scottish Play, Tom Leech

The Scottish Play, Tom Leech

The Scottish Play, Tom Leech, Colophon

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