Prompt Challenge: Agglutinate

The word for our group prompt challenge this month was agglutinate:

verb tr., intr.:
1. To form words by combining words or word elements.
2. To join or become joined as if by glue.
3. To clump or cause to clump, as red blood cells.

I went straight for the 2nd definition as it seemed like a good bookbinding term! For 5 years, I edited the quarterly magazine for a book arts group in California. The part I liked the best was doing the layout (soliciting articles, not so much). And I miss the layout challenges. So my plan for agglutinate was to make a zine or small magazine about glue.
Glue is messy, and I tried to incorporate that into my zine. But old habits and preferences are hard to break, and the pages are pretty block-y and standard.
Here’s the cover, followed by the table of contents and then one of the spreads. I did have a good time writing the little articles and thinking about all my own glue messes. Especially the time my husband and I installed a glue-down floor in my studio—the glue was thick mucus looking stuff and, as glue will, it got everywhere. But it didn’t help that I absently stepped on the glue brush in my stocking feet, getting glue all over the floor and in my own shoe.

The Glue Issue

TOC for The Glue Issue

The Glue Issue