
Pica PoleWho knew that “pica” had a first meaning that isn’t about measurements. From wordsmith.org’s a.word.a.day
  1. A tendency or craving for eating substances other than normal food (such as clay, chalk, and dirt), common during childhood or pregnancy.
  2. In printing, a unit of type size, equal to about 1/6 of an inch.
  3. A type size for typewriters, having ten characters to the inch.
Thanks to my friend Cathy for the fun fact.

One thought on “Pica”

  1. Another fact: Pica is a magpie. Pica pica is the Eurasian magpie, dressed in (letterpress) black and white! Though I think it got its name from its undiscriminating eating habits.
    Thanks for the blog – I always enjoy getting a new post.

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