Calendar Time

Today I started printing my 2014 calendar

The biggest project I undertake each year is a letterpress printed desktop calendar, one page for each month with a graphic and one of my haiku. This will be my 6th calendar and today I started printing. The photo shows my set up—there’s one color for the graphic and one for the calendar & haiku. I set up a chase for the text and another for the graphic so it’s easy to swap for another month.
While the printing is time consuming and will take me at least until the end of the month, it’s the easy part of the project. Getting here meant culling through my stash of haiku, designing the pages, getting the plates made for printing, selecting the colors… and for good measure I always thoroughly clean my shop first. The calendar pieces take up every available space and then some, so every extraneous thing in here gets stored until I’m done. You can see my previous calendars here.