I Wake to a Warming World: Spring

Back in November, when I finished my season-themed miniature book on fall, I thought designing the final book in the set—spring—would be easy. After all spring is a time of rebirth and color. But every time I sat down to work on it, all I could focus on was the long list of house projects we had lined up as soon as it got warm again. I didn’t want winter to end.
Then in late April the daffodils I planted last fall started to bloom. But the tipping point to actually getting started was mid-May when we had a huge influx of migrating birds and a pair of robins starting building a very large nest in a tree outside my studio window. So in between all those house projects, I got the book designed, printed and assembled. Like the other 3 books, there’s a surprise at the end—this time it’s a pop-up bouquet of spring flowers. I’ve called it “I Wake to a Warming World: Spring” and you can see all the spreads here. The other books in the series are Summer in Vermont, One More Blanket on the Bed. Fall., and Winter’s Song.

Pop up in my book I Wake to a Warming World