Secret Compartments & Hidden Messages

Innovative Bookbinding: Secret Compartments & Hidden MessagesOne of the first bookmaking how-to books I bought was Shareen LaPlantz’s Cover to Cover. While that book is still in print, LaPlantz other book Innovative Bookbinding: Secret Compartments & Hidden Messages, which published in 2 hand-bound editions in 1997 and 2000, isn’t. That book had hand-bound tip-ins, a secret pocket, a pull-down mechanical, stitched booklets and a hidden tunnel book. Since LaPlantz died in 2003, it seemed unlikely that the book would be reissued. Laura Russell has a nice post on her blog about how the unlikely happened, as well has details about how the book was remade to be print-on-demand. You can see & order the new 3rd edition here.


2 thoughts on “Secret Compartments & Hidden Messages”

  1. Mine has just arrived: what a treat! “Cover to Cover” was the book that got me started on bookmaking.

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