The MCBA Prize

I’ve spent a very pleasant hour today looking at the books submitted to the MCBA Prize — a biannual competition from the Minnesota Center for the Book Arts.

I got to look carefully at one of the finalists — Amy Borezo’s book “Labor/Movement (seven workers)” — last fall, when she was at the table next to mine at the Pyramid Atlantic book fair. It’s the first picture below.

I’ve just barely gotten started looking at all the entries. Two that immediately caught my eye are below Amy’s book. I got stuck for a long time looking at Accounting by Maureen Cummings, as I’ve been working on an expanded version of the book I did recently in my prompt challenge series.

Amy Borezo, “Labor/Movement (seven workers)”
Amy Borezo, “Labor/Movement (seven workers)”

Maureen Cummins, “Accounting”
Maureen Cummins, “Accounting”

Scott Helmes, “One Thousand Haiku”

Scott Helmes, “One Thousand Haiku”: A book consisting of ten visual haiku poems, one each to a page. Each page is divided into three segments, one segment per line. The poems are bound together, thus enabling the reader to turn one line at a time. This results in one thousand possible poems (10 x 10 x 10), determined by the reader’s actions.

You can see all the books submitted here.