Making an Edition, Part 1

Model of book and slipcaseI liked the model I’ve been playing with recently and have decided to make an edition of that book. It’s a miniature — slightly under 3″x3″ — called “Summer in Vermont,” with some of my haiku and illustrations and a Turkish map fold at the end. I’m printing the drawings on my Epson ink jet, but will be letterpress printing the haiku from metal type (Bembo). It’ll come in a slip case — that’s my working model on the left, showing the book coming out of the slip case.
The next big decision is how many to make. Since I’m hand-setting the type it’ll be more difficult to increase the number in the edition once the type is broken down. Twenty-five seems to be a good number, but I’ll print enough for 30 in case something goes wrong!
Over the next couple of weeks I’ll report how the edition making is proceeding.