Prompt Challenge: Perspicacious

perspicacious, adj; Having keen mental perception and understanding; discerning.

This week’s challenge word was much easier than last week, at any rate I could use it in a sentence! First I listed people who I thought were perspicacious, and wondered how they got that way. This lead me to the word “understanding” in the definition and I started to go pretty far afield. I thought perhaps these koans might be something to look at. But then I found this John Lennon quote

When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life.

I’d been playing with the turkish map fold from a few weeks ago and wanted to use it for this week’s word, incorporating text in the map folds, not just pictures or relying on colors. So I made a list of things that made me happy to use with the Lennon quote. I printed my list on the front and back of the sheets I would use for the folds as well as the cover. I even used paper and colors that made me happy.
Here’s the result (to see how to make this book, see the instructions here).This one is really a personal book as everyone’s happy list is different. I’ve got it displayed above my workbench, knowing it will make me happy, months from now, just looking at it.

Next word: slimsy, adj. flimsy; frail. a blend of slim and flimsy.