
Janine Wong’s CollageEvery month this fall, Mary, over at Red Squirrel Studio, has been binding a book to fill, day by day, with a drawing of her hand. When she was visiting California from Maine recently, she enlisted several of us to try her experiment with her — to make and fill a book “one page a day, with a brief recurring art exercise of our own choosing, related (or not related!) to our regular art form”.
So, starting in January, four of us will be getting together once a month to share our results (or lack thereof!). One of our group has already chosen her repetitive exercise — small weavings of paper and other materials. But I’m not so sure what I’ll do. Originally I thought I’d make small collages, but I’m not committing quite yet. Good thing I have until January to decide!
Of course such daily exercises aren’t a new idea — so for inspiration I’ve been poking around on the web to see what other people do for their daily practice. For starters, my friend Cathy pointed me to an online exhibition of daily collages by Janine Wong called Quotidian Practice (that’s one of her collages to the left).

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