Tilt-Shift Photography

Tilt shift van goghI’ve used a fair amount photography and some paintings in my books, and I thought tilt shift photography might be something to explore, especially since I can simulate it in Photoshop. Wikipedia defines the technique as “the use of camera movements on small- and medium-format cameras … often for simulating a miniature scene” — in other words it gives a real-world scene the illusion of being a miniature model. The detail to the left is from a set of Photoshop manipulations of paintings by Van Gogh. Look here for examples of photographs. There’s a Photoshop tutorial here, and this Google search will get you even more.

One thought on “Tilt-Shift Photography”

  1. Thanks for these links. I love these sorts of things. This got me side-tracked onto all kinds of oddly related things on Flickr. Most enjoyable.

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