Contests for Pi Day

pidaypiecontest.jpgThe websites Serious Eats and Instructables have held a Pi Day Pie Contest the past couple of years. (Pi Day commemorates the mathematical constant π — 3.14159… — and is held on March 14.) That’s the winner from 2010 to the left. A friend gave me a Pi pie plate several years ago, and I’ve been making a special pie in it every March since then. While many of the entries for past years have nothing to do with Pi (just pie), I liked this One-Hundred-Digit pie

One Hundred Digit Pi Pie

And especially the ingredients for Pie to Seven Decimal Points, 3.1415926:

In honor of Pi Day (3/14)

3 different fruits
1 basic pie crust recipe
4 ingredients in the crumb topping
1 nutty ingredient
5 unique layers (bottom crust, three fruits, crumb topping)
9 added flavors in the fruit layers (3 in each)
2 ingredients in common in all the layers (butter and sugar)
6 (or 7) ingredients in the pie crust recipe, depending on whether you count water as an ingredient, and whether you round up (the next digit is 5.)

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