Life Forms Patterns

2008 Calendar — cover
life forms patterns
haphazard and beautiful—
catch them as they fly by

This week I finished printing my 2008 calendar — a year of patterns and poetry. It’s a desktop calendar with 12 unbound letterpressed cards that display the month, a pattern and a haiku poem written for that month. It comes in a plastic case that doubles as the display frame.
It’s been the perfect project to end my “year of the broadside“, as each month is a mini-broadside with a poem and illustration. It was especially fun selecting the 2 colors for each month (and especially challenging to hand mix all those colors so they matched my swatches!)
Here’s a thumbnail of all the months (click on it to see a lot more detail). The calendar is for sale on my webite ($18 + shipping).

2008 Calendar

3 thoughts on “Life Forms Patterns”

  1. Gorgeous! I am busy putting together my Christmas Order from Green Chair Press (it’s what to leave out which is causing me problems!)

  2. Beautiful, Susan, just right. I especially love September. Congratulations on a great addition to your line. This will be an instant sell out.

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