Forgotten Saints Calendar

It’s starting to be calendar season again. At least for printers — most people don’t buy one until November… I’ve got my design done, the plates made, the paper cut, and am slowly letterpress printing the pages. I expect to have them assembled in mid-September. This year my friend Melissa is done early — she’s printed a calendar broadside celebrating forgotten Cathoric saints. She says “this calendar design was to recognize not only Catholic saints but as a nod to all those who do good deeds and their memory fades away — here is a toast to them!” See more here.

2011 forgotten saints calendar

One thought on “Forgotten Saints Calendar”

  1. O-o-o-oo, thanks for a glimpse of Melissa’s calendar. The printing looks wonderful and the idea…well…I wish it had been mine. Can’t wait to see the product in real time. Can your calendar be far behind?

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