Comment Box Poets

After discovering the Bygone Bureau the other day, I’ve been going through their archives and found this post that says “There’s poetry in everything, including the user comments of’s most popular blogs. Darryl Campbell investigates the web’s unlikely poetry community.” Especially on the Ben Schott’s Vocabular Blog, where this comment by Tim Torkildson appears on a post called “Typomaniacs: Those with strongly-held views on typography.”

In this modern day and age
Sans-serif is all the rage.
Typeface, point, and spacing too
Are as bland as canned beef stew.
Cursive is no longer seen.
Gothic is a mere pipe dream.
Fonts are nothing but homogenous;
I’d as lief we were androgenous!

(I seem to be finding all sorts of new words this week — lief means gladly or willingly.) See the entire Bygone Bureau post here.

One thought on “Comment Box Poets”

  1. I originally sent this poem out with all the typefaces used as described; however, the program that sends it through the Internet removed it all — somewhat blunting the humor of the whole piece.

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