Type Chess

Type Chess Set from Tossed and FoundThis chess set made from wood type and a type tray aren’t from someone who loves type or even chess, but from a book by 2 designers called Tossed and Found.

What some view as trash, Linda and John Meyers see as raw material. The wife-and-husband team—subscribers to the “reduce, reuse, recycle” ethos—have perfected a design strategy that will save you money, help the planet, and provide hours of DIY fun. The strategy? First, visit a yard sale, construction-site dumpster, or even your own attic. Select something that somebody (even you) thought had outlived its usefulness. Then, transform that castoff into a piece that’s interesting and usable.

You can see projects from the book here, and read how they made the chess set here.

{via printinteresting}

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