Summer 2009 Ampersand

Summer 2009 AmpersandThe Summer 2009 Ampersand, quarterly book arts journal of the PCBA, recently came out. This is my last issue as editor — after 5 years I’m ready to hand it off to someone else! Yvonne Tsang, a letterpress printer here in San Francisco, takes over with the Fall 2009 issue. The Summer issue features a “how-to” article by Ginger Burrell on making two variations of the star book. You can see 2 of Ginger’s star books here and here.
Back issues of the Ampersand are here.

One thought on “Summer 2009 Ampersand”

  1. Yvonne will have a lot to live up to. You’ve done a great job with the Ampersand. I’m one of those far flung non-Bay Area members, and I’ve found the Ampersand to be well worth the membership price for PCBA. Thanks for the work you’ve put into it.

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