Dictionary Story

I’ve had lots of friends raise great wads of money for their technology ideas from venture capital firms — but raising a few thousand dollars to bank roll an artist’s book can be impossible. The web has changed that a bit — there’s a website called Kickstarter that is “a funding platform for artists, designers, filmmakers, musicians, journalists, inventors, explorers…” It aims to match artists with small ($5-$50) donors. The donors get something for their donation — maybe a copy of the book or CD produced, an invitation to a party…
Sam Winston’s project is to turn his artist’s book into a trade edition. If you go here, there’s a video about this book (pictured below, and he says about the book “Initially Dictionary Story started as a short narrative in which certain words from the dictionary became living characters that met each other…”). On his blog he has more pictures of the book and the poster he made from it. You can see other projects looking for funding here.

Dictionary Story by Sam Winston

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