Bookmaking Supplies on Etsy

Yesterday, I wrote about bookmaking tools I found on Etsy. Today’s post is the supplies I found, in addition to Susan Scott’s Yardwork bookcloth, that I wrote about earlier.

Piacere Mio sells single jars of PVA. PVA
book board Diane Falvey of Iris and Lily will custom cut book board to your specifications. She also sells pre-made text blocks.
KarleighJae sells leather hides and pieces — like this amazing green one. 3 pieces of cut Italian Lambskin at least 6″ x 18″ are $25. (She also sells Davey board scraps.) Another shop, awal1, sells faux and real leather in a variety of colors.
Green Leather Hide
Vintage wallpaper scraps The two sisters who run Snippets of Time sell vintage wallpaper samples that can be used for book covers. They also sell other ephemera, like maps and bingo cards.
Ana Buigues of contexto sells leather faux bookbinding endbands, including a sampler of various colors for $3. Faux endbands
Washi Several shops have paper for sale: washimatta sells packs of washi, as does Washi Paper and Pebble Stone Papery. My Marbled Papers shop sells washi, marbled and Suminagashi papers.

4 thoughts on “Bookmaking Supplies on Etsy”

  1. WOW, another great info post….great that you pass this along to us all.
    Thanks so much!

  2. Apropos of nothing… I picked up a free copy of Urbanite magazine yesterday and thought you might enjoy this article:

    The magazine has a page to cut out and folding instructions for creating the “one-page wonder” circular story created by Matthew Swanson and Robbi Behr of Idiots’ Books ( I’m going to try to put it together this morning…wish me luck!

  3. I’m going to pimp myself here, I sell sewing cradles of my design that my Dad builds out of pine sustainably harvested on the family farm in Jonesboro, ME. He mills the lumber himself and then cuts and assembles the cradles in the winter months on the farm. I’m hoping this fall to get him his own etsy shop to pimp. head to

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