Happy Holloween

Origami Skeleton Instructions for making this origami skeleton, designed by Marc Kirschenbaum, are available here. They aren’t for the faint of heart though, as it’s pretty complicated and involved. Much easier to make is the “shape book” below, made from an old paperback (there’s a tutorial here on the cheeky magpie blog).

Shape Book Tutorial

Another Room Book Arts

Another Room Book ArtsMy friend Lucy Childs started Another Room Book Arts about a year ago to sell artist’s books. She’s got quite a collection of work, in all price ranges and from all over the world. She’s having a trunk sale in a San Francisco home this Saturday, November 1st from 11 am – 4 pm. Peter Thomas, of Peter and Donna Thomas Miniature Books, will do a presentation at 1 pm. (Peter is always funny and entertaining, and maybe he’ll play one of his ukulele books!) The trunk sale takes place at 128 Precita Avenue, San Francisco, near the 24th Street BART. Lucy says she’ll have artists’ books, paintings, and sculptures and “low-priced goods just right for our new economy.” It’s a great chance to actually “read” and handle the books.

Green Chairs from a Blue Chair

Green Beans for GinnyOne of the things I look forward to when attending book fairs is catching up with Elaine at Blue Chair Press. We see each other about once a year & she always seems to be working on something totally different, and recently at the BABA Book Jam was no exception. Her newest project is chairs made from vegetables and fresh flowers — that’s one of my favorites to the left. Many of the chairs last only the few hours it takes to construct and photograph them. With the images she’s made cards and a small book of only green veggie ones. So of course, being partial to green chairs, I bought the book. It’s now on the “chair” shelf in my office — along with my small but growing collection of chair art.
You can see all the chairs here.

Broadsides for Obama

Prez by Eric RewitzerI’ve run across quite a few broadsides about Barack Obama — seems his candidacy has inspired a lot of artists. Obama’s campaign even has an Artists for Obama store with art donated to the campaign to help with fund raising.
My favorite is the linocut to the left, by Eric Rewitzer of 3 Fishes Studio here in San Francisco. I met Eric recently when he and his wife Annie took my letterpress class at the San Francisco Center for the Book. Eric was wearing a t-shirt with his design (I’ve got a weak spot for Pez dispensers — probably I caught my enthusiasm from my sister, who discovered & took me to the Pez museum I didn’t know exsited right here in my town of Burlingame).
I like the two below because they are just typographic. The one to the left is by Jonathan Hoefler. (Hoefler and his partner Frere-Jones have an interesting blog about typography.) To the right is by Cody Hudson. Eric’s t-shirt is available here.

Possible by Jonathan HoeflerObama Poster by Cody Hudson