Marking Time Exhibit, part II

The Guild of Bookworkers traveling member exhibit, Marking Time, at the SF Main Library was pretty much equally divided between fine bindings (a rebinding and covering of a published book) and artists’ books. For the fine bindings, what was on display was everything the artist did — cover and endsheets. The artists’ books, for the most part, weren’t displayed nearly as well. The descriptions of the books gave tantilizing hints about what was inside, but the viewer was lucky to see even one page!
Dorchester fontThere was one glorious exception, though. Jessica Spring’s Parts Unknown was arrayed in its own case — opened wide so I could sit on the floor and see all the pictures and read much of the text. According to the description, the photos were “ink-jet printed on handmade abaca (and) varnished”, giving them a transparent quality that was quite fetching. But the fonts she used were the best part. The description says it’s all handset type, but don’t give the names, so I wrote Jessica and asked her what they were — she replied “The script is Dorchester (new from M&H) and the text is Packard (very dirty from my shop) and good old Copperplate. The bottom titling is wood type. Not enough of anything, so there was lots of setting and setting again!” That’s a sample of Dorchester above, see the entire font on Jessica’s book is pictured below. You can find out more about her on her website.

Parts Unknown

Marking Time Exhibit

My friend Sharon & I went to the Guild of Bookworkers traveling member exhibit, Marking Time, at the SF Main Library the other day. As we walked into the library, Sharon said “I’ve looked at the exhibit online, will it be any better in person?” The answer was decidedly mixed.
One of the books that hardly got a notice online mesmerized me in the case — Andrew Huot’s Walks with Rosie. What he says about it:

This book chronicles two weeks of daily walks with my dog in our Philadelphia neighborhood, marking the routes and occurrences on the way. The city is reduced to line, shape, and color, and transparent papers reveal the echoes of yesterday and an allusion to tomorrow.

The maps seem bigger in person, and the transparency made me pause and think about my own daily perambulations around town and my neighborhood. You can see more detailed images here or visit Huot’s website for more of his bookworks.

Walks with Rosie

Dictionary Story

I’ve had lots of friends raise great wads of money for their technology ideas from venture capital firms — but raising a few thousand dollars to bank roll an artist’s book can be impossible. The web has changed that a bit — there’s a website called Kickstarter that is “a funding platform for artists, designers, filmmakers, musicians, journalists, inventors, explorers…” It aims to match artists with small ($5-$50) donors. The donors get something for their donation — maybe a copy of the book or CD produced, an invitation to a party…
Sam Winston’s project is to turn his artist’s book into a trade edition. If you go here, there’s a video about this book (pictured below, and he says about the book “Initially Dictionary Story started as a short narrative in which certain words from the dictionary became living characters that met each other…”). On his blog he has more pictures of the book and the poster he made from it. You can see other projects looking for funding here.

Dictionary Story by Sam Winston

Brian Dettmer Exhibit

Brian Dettmer — Book of the Dead — 2008While I’ve written about Brian Dettmer’s altered books in the past, I’ve only seen pictures of his work. That is until today, when I paid a visit to the Toomey Tourell gallery in San Francisco. There’s nearly 2 dozen pieces on display, all picture books (mostly encyclopedias) that have been carved up and layered, producing an almost kaleidoscopic effect. And they aren’t just single books, several are like the one to the left — conjoined to make a much more interesting sculpture. The exhibit runs through the end of September.

More Book Arts Supplies on Etsy

Papermaking kitOne of my bookmaking kits got a nice mention on the Etsy Blog today, in an article about “crafting adventures with paper.” They mention some things that I didn’t include in my recent post on bookmaking supplies and tools on Etsy. Like the Plantable Paper Kit Deluxe from Good Karma Soaps pictured (“plantable paper” is “tree free” paper made using unwanted paper and embedding wildflower seeds. The idea is to plant the paper when you’re done with it and the wildflowers will grow.) as well as stuff for printing (like Gocco kits) and handmade paper. Take a look here.