Artist’s Books on Etsy

I was looking at artist’s book on Etsy the other day, and here are a few I found.

Rachel’s Garden Rachel’s Garden I
“Concertina hand bound miniature artist book with cut-outs.
It tells a story of Rachel the cat exploring her territory in her imaginary garden because she lives in an apartment in the metropolitan area. ” It’s quite small, only 2.56″ x 2.56″. Lots more pictures here, and more books here.
Access and Closure Access and Closure
“This is … a letterpress book titled Access & Closure: stories from in and out of an occupied Palestine… The stories in the book began during the summer of 2006, when I spent ten weeks in Palestine.” I especially like the illustrations, which the author, Toby Millman, says “were traced from original photographs or maps”. More about the book & illustrations here.
The Lost Land The Lost Land
“This is a modern day fairy tale about Mnemosyne, a self-proclaimed “witch of memories” living in a cave located in an overgrown and crumbling playground … Letterpress printed in the original Chinese with accompanying English translation, bound as a dos-a-dos.” I’m always charmed by dos-a-dos bindings that work — and this one seems the perfect subject.

Hidden Books

My first bookmaking class was with Kumi Korf. She lives in upstate NY, and when I lived in California I looked forward to visiting with her when she came to the SF Center for the Book to teach. Sam Hampton has made a documentary about Kumi. Here’s a trailer for it, and this website gives a schedule of screenings around the country as well as more information about the documentary.

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