Mix and Match Books

mix-match-pres.jpgAs I embark on my prompt challenge, I’ve been taking note of interesting book structures that I can use. I’m not sure if this one has a name, other than “mix and match.” Each page is cut into 3 parts, horizontally, so that new pages can be composed by the reader. Most examples I’ve seen build new creatures from a head, torso and legs/feet.
The one to the left is called Build Your Own President and they say “Let your fingers do the voting. Flip the panels of this mix-and-match book to create your own presidential candidate from the smoldering wreckage of the current field. Combine Perry’s great hair with Newt’s humility and Bachmann’s progressive social policies. 1,000 possibilities in total. Just don’t expect to find a good one.”
There’s also an online version {first seen on boing-boing}

How To: Turkish Map Fold


I’ve used this folding technique for my book Summer as well for a book I did as part of my on-going prompt challenge, shown in this blog post. David Rosen taught me this fold. He had instructions on his website, but they (and it) have disappeared.
The photo above shows an example of the fold (an invitation to an exhibition of works by Julie Chen.)
Directions for the fold are here.

UPDATE: Click here to see other posts on the Turkish Map Fold and its variations.

Prompt Challenge: Truss

I’ve challenged myself this year to use a different word each week (the word featured each Monday on dictionary.com) to get me into my studio and developing some new ideas. My first word was truss. I thought that if nothing else came to mind, I would use the meaning “to tie, bind, or fasten” to sew an interesting binding on a blank book. I wondered if I could use whatever pattern one might use to truss a chicken. But a Google image search for truss brought up only pictures for the engineering or architectural meaning: “any of various structural frames based on the geometric rigidity of the triangle,” in particular for bridges.

Pyramid Power: the hinged triangle book from Karen Hanmer

This lead me in search of book structures with triangular pages. The one above is an elegant triangle book by Karen Hanmer (She has a lovely gallery of her work on her website.)

Dennis Yuen’s triangle book Daily Threads Origami Triangle book

Or, on the left, Dennis Yuen’s book with triangle pages and coptic binding. Right is an accordion triangle book by Lolita of Daily Threads.

Fisher Covered Railroad Bridge, Vermont

But as I stood at my bench making models of triangle books, I kept thinking about the covered bridges I visited in Vermont this past summer. Especially the one above close to my sister’s that was unusual for being a railroad covered bridge. And a haiku I had written about the bridge

Abandoned bridge.
A view into

That’s when I hit on the idea of using a turkish map fold (more on how to do this fold later this week), which involves triangles. And I was lucky enough to find photos online of views looking into and out of the bridge (of course the pictures I took were only of the outside!) Here’s the results:

Partially open

Fully open

the back and front covers

The word for next week: heterotelic, adj. Having the purpose of its existence or occurrence apart from itself.

Paint Chip Colors

The other day at lunch with some friends, someone said that she would like the job of naming paint colors. This lead to a lively discussion of exactly what shade of green is “seafoam.” But it also reminded me of Ginger Burrell’s recent blog post about Don Drake’s artist book “So Different.” He uses paint chips to illustrate several poems and says the “subtle hues (of the paint chips) only take on real meaning when placed in a context and their names are crafted to evoke emotion and memory.” Here’s a picture of the book, and you can read more about it on Ginger’s blog.

So Different by Don Drake

Shall We Dance? Making & Designing a Flipbook.

Cover for Shall We Dance?
Making a flipbook

In 2005 I started a new flipbook about a girl who is both a ballerina and a hip-hop dancer. My idea was that she would start off as a ballerina doing an adagio, and when she does a pirouette she turns into a hip-hop dancer who shows off her moves before turning back into a ballerina again. I drew rough pictures and made them into a movie but didn’t like the result. A flip book has to work both forward and backward, and I couldn’t make the story work in both directions. (My experience is that about 50% of the people who look at my flipbooks start from the back and the other half start from the front.)
A month or so ago I happened upon the folder with all the drawings, and I took another look at what I’d done. Since 2005, I’ve made an enormous number of the flipbooks I sell in my shop and I’ve honed the production down to an exact science. I realized just by looking at my sketches that if I applied all that experience to the story I’d started, I could make it work. Of course there are a lot of steps, at least for me, before I’m ready for producing the books. First I had to flesh out my story and draw more frames. These need to be scanned and cleaned up in Photoshop. I draw the pictures in black and white and color them after scanning, using Photoshop again. I get a more even color across the frames if I do the coloring digitally. The second picture above is an example of my first sketch and the final cleaned up and colored version. The hands and head were too big on most of my sketches.
I put all the frames in order in layers in Photoshop, all the same size, so I can turn layers off and on to see how things are lining up. I also print out the frames on one sheet of paper, like a condensed film strip, again so I can make sure everything is sized correctly, that the details in the illustrations show up, and the colors are okay. Here’s an example of that:
Mini film strip for my flipbook
A flipbook is sort of a movie, but depending on how fast the reader thumbs through the book, it can be slow or fast or smooth or jerky. But to get an idea of how the book would flip in an ideal world, I also make a movie using IMovie. Here’s the book playing forward:
[youtube KL2M3XKaQaE]

Finally, I’m ready to assemble everything for printing and binding. For that I use InDesign. To make cutting the books easy, I put a grid on the page, then put the same frame in each slot on the page, then repeat for all the frames in the book. Now when I print the pages, the book is collated, and all I need to do is chop it, staple it, and glue on the binding strip at the top. There’s no chopping necessary after the binding, to even up the edges. The page below shows the grid — the blue lines are the cut lines after everything is printed. The paper is letter-size (8-1/2″x11″), grain long (the staple/binding goes on the long edge so the pages flip well). I use fairly heavy text-weight paper (32 lb) — cover stock is too thick to flip well, and thinner paper tends to stick together.

Cut lines

That’s about it. All my flipbooks are are available here. I have other posts on my blog about flipbooks here.