The Project This Week…

When I finished designing my Beuys artist-in-a-box book in January, I had enough material to make 15. I cut out (almost) all the pieces, made 5, and then got side tracked. This month I’m slowly working through my backlog of unfinished projects, and the Beuys book got to the top of the list this week. The matchbox itself is made from a piece of grey Cave paper I bought in 2009 (I even wrote a blog post about it). I’ve taken the sheet out of my drawer countless times, trying to envision the perfect use for it. Patience paid off—this is indeed the perfect book for both the paper weight and color. I’ve so enjoyed the feel of it in my hands as I’ve folded and glued the boxes together.
Here’s a photo of the book in-progress. On the left is very tiny book that is to be encased in felt. The grey rectangle next to it is another book sewn in grey felt—it just needs the red cross sewn on it. Finally on the right is a finished book “package” that goes in the box. Underneath is what the finished matchbox book. See more about the book and more pictures here and here.

Beuys pieces

Banned books

Pen Nibs

I’ve been working on a matchbox book with a calligraphy (or handwriting) theme, and think I’ll include a pen nib in the box. I bought a box of nibs marked “new old stock” from Ebay, hoping they would spur me on. They arrived on Saturday in, what I thought, was a nice old box, appropriately the size of matchbox.

My box of pen nibs

Then on Sunday I saw the most recent post on letterology, entitled “20th C Italian Pen Nib Packaging,” and my box now looks very plain indeed. Here’s a couple of the Italian boxes, and you can see many more here.

Schachtel Vulcano pen nib box from Letterology

Schachtel Presbitero pen nib box from Letterology

Catching Up

I’m still catching up on remaking the books I sold out of over the holidays. This week it’s Catku, my miniature matchbox book with haiku & drawings about my cat. I’m in the process of making 20 of them, which is not just the book but the little box. I’ve got all the pieces cut and I’m about 1/2 done assembling them. The photo shows my progress—the box sleeves are in the foreground, the box trays are in the back.

Catku in progress