Plaster Cast Letters

plasterletters.jpgEmily started carving letters out of plaster, then figured out how to make molds to produce them in quantity. You can see the finished letters in her Etsy shop Kuber. On her blog she has posts showing how she makes the molds — some successful, some not.
Emily makes her molds using a system called pinkysil, which might only be available in Australia, where she lives. There’s a good blog post here about how to use it. Seems like something to file away under “useful to know about for some future project I haven’t even dreamed up yet…”

Type Trumps

Type Trumps GameTop Trumps is a card game where each card contains a list of numerical data, and the aim of the game is to compare these values in order to try to trump and win an opponent’s card. Since packs of cards are based on a theme there is a wide variety available. Typography is the theme of a pack from a design firm in England, Face337 — they call it Type Trumps. Each type face is attributed numerical values — see the card to the left — and each card is styled around its given font. You can buy the set in the US here or from Face37 in the UK.

Cookie Cutters

Didoni Cookie CuttersThis morning I woke up thinking about Christmas cookies — probably because yesterday I heard Nutcracker music on the radio. My friend Cathy makes chocolate ones that I hope to score this year — sometimes I help her bake them, but I prefer the eating to the actual cooking. These letter-shaped cookie cutters showed up on decor8 the other day, but originated here (the text is in Swedish and unfortunately there’s no indication of whether one can buy them!) I quite like that the counters are missing from the g and e.

Type Sculptures

d Deer by June CorleyJune Corley says this about the type scuptures she makes:

I started making the type sculptures in December 2006 after moving from Atlanta into the woods, mainly to get through the holidays and to possibly give as gifts. I had collected old signage letters and letterpress blocks for years, displaying them on a wall at my house in Atlanta. When unpacking the letters here, they got all jumbled up on the floor and I started looking at them differently. It seemed like the sculptures created themselves right before my eyes, all I had to do was figure out a way to put them together. I created a dozen in almost a week.”

You can see many more here

{via The Daily Heller}